Three Cents Column by Director Bong

Three Cents Column by Director Bong of RGO 24! 'Although I am lacking and my writing is only worth as much as 'three cents...' I share the Sunday messages and interpret them with 'the language of the world.''

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It is not ‘improvement’ but ‘reformation.’ It is easy to do twice as much.



It is not ‘improvement’ but ‘reformation.’ It is easy to do twice as much.

The vice president of company L, which started as a Korean company and became a leading global company, left this message: improving five percent productivity is not easy, but 30 percent improvement is easy. If you overheard this, you might not understand the meaning. He said that if you have your goal as five percent improvement, you think of changing only partially; however, if your company’s goal is to improve 30 percent productivity, they discard the established system of thinking and look for a totally new way. 

If you want to do a little better, you will find a partial method to improve, but if you want to do better twice as much, you should not just improve but reform the way.  Most likely, it is hard to find a way to improve with the present methods.  When you find a totally new way, you reform [the system] and it becomes “easy” to do twice as much.

The New Testament history is not a history that is an “improvement” from the Old Testament history.   If [the New Testament] was a history that kept the established Old Testament history’s value and methods and improved from there, Jesus’ speech and actions must have been “blasphemous words and actions” as “they” expressed it to be: eating with prostitutes and tax collectors, breaking the Sabbath, nullifying the laws of God, and saying that he will cause the Temple of Jerusalem to crumble down and then build it again in three days. 

Because the New Testament history was not an “improved servant” history but was a totally different level of “children” history, it was a new history that was governed by new ideology and new laws. In this way, the Complete Testament is not an improved “children” history but is a “bride” history in which [people] are the counterparts of loving the Trinity.  It is a totally new history.

Ways to do twice as much.


Michael Faraday (1791 -1867), a world-class scientist who is most respected by England citizens, found magnetic fields, so he made a great work which resulted in us being able to use electricity in our daily lives. In his poor youth, he was a bookbinder, so he barely read and wrote words and he received no school education.  He had a lack of basic scientific knowledge, so through countless “experiments,” he set up revolutionary theories, which we now call Faraday’s law. His theories were not even close to the established theories, but they were completed by new directions and approaches to science.

Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955) said in one of his interviews that he had two hopes for the rest of his life: first, he wished that he could have made more mistakes and second, all his mistakes were not made in vain. He said these because he knew that if he made a lot of mistakes, it would mean that he will become more active, and at the same time, from the effort he made in order to not make the same mistake, he will become smart.

We must remember that Thomas Alva Edison (1847 – 1931) came up with this conclusion: “even if you make 99% effort, if you do not have 1% inspiration, you can’t accomplish it.”  As Edison revealed in his biography, this saying does not emphasize the importance of effort, but we need 99% of effort in order to find 1% of inspiration.  To receive strong “inspiration,” focus your heart and thoughts on the Trinity. This message is a word of wisdom to do “twice” as much.

In conclusion, in order to do twice as much, you must get out of the old ideas.  Then, know what you should do twice as much and what you should reduce into half as much. With endless challenge, effort, and focus on the heavens, receive “inspiration” from the heavens, raise the level of your brain, and take action “spiritually.”

Even if you are the shortest person [in the world], if you can grow twice as much as now, you will be the tallest person in the world.  Since we have our Teacher who showed us with his body that it is possible to do it “twice” as much, we cannot make excuses. 

